Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mother Hubbard's Cupboard

I found this on a blog. It is a food bank which distributes food to the needy in Bloomington. (Still have not found which Bloomington). I got to this page from a blogger who grows vegetables in a home garden and she donates the surplus to this food bank. I thought it a great idea. I figured I would post this link since this site seems to explain the concept pretty well. These Food Bank's should be all over the country imo.

Green Initiative In Chestnut Hill

Please check out a new blog for sustainability and many things green in Chestnut Hill. Here is a synopsis.

"Welcome to the new Chestnut Hill Green Space. The Green Initiative in Chestnut Hill, aka GRINCH, is a new group interested in furthering sustainable practices in the beautiful Chestnut Hill area of Philadelphia. We are hoping that this will become a forum for all things green happening in our area and also, to join forces, share information and promote our efforts."

Jenny Reed created the blog and will be posting pertinent information along with our ChefAmy.
We hope that this new blog will be a helpful addition to others for networking in Chestnut Hill.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Little Farm in the Big City, 170 Years Young

I found this using Google Reader. It is on The Atlantic blog.

I think this is inspiring for those working diligently trying to establish farming in urban areas. The closer we are to our healthy organic food the more efficient and rich our lives.

For one local attempt at reclaiming unused urban land as well as other environmentally responsible projects feel free to take a look at Green Village Philadelphia